Gear Recommendations

Coming soon!

These are not definitive reviews but recommendations based on personal experiences. When you have different body shapes and sizes it can sometimes be hard to find good gear or know what will work for you.

It remains your responsibility to make the right choices for your self and your safety, all we can give is information on some of us have found to be good gear.

We also try to include known good vendors.

Head & neck

  • Masks:

The general idea is that masks that are CEN2 or FIE rated (usually labeled as 1600N) are perfectly fine to use. If you wanna take an extra session or two to try out other club members masks for fit and opinion I highly recommend you do so. For alternative, most fencing mask models come with a “comfort” or “extra” option, this is a bit more expensive but means you can remove the lining for washing. Also, if you really prefer a black bib, you can find a coach model of the same mask instead of the regular one. Just make sure its still a 1600-label. Here are some examples:

  • Gorgets


  • Jackets
  • Chest protectors
  • Groin protectors

Arms & Hands

  • Lower arm guards
  • Gloves
  • Elbow protectors


  • Trousers

Knees & Shins

  • Knee protectors
  • Shin guards

Swords – metal

Swords – foam